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The requirements for legally compliant behaviour by commercial enterprises are stricter today than ever before. In a global economy, legal challenges are constantly growing. That is why we constantly adapt our processes and systems to the national and international legal framework. In order to particularly emphasise the importance of compliance, we have anchored it as a corporate policy. Compliance with our ethical standards and applicable laws is an inseparable part of our corporate culture, the implementation and compliance of which we also carry on and ensure along the supply chain.

With our Compliance Guide, we establish binding code of conduct for the entire company and our business partners. This way, we want to ensure that the same quality standards as well as environmental and social standards are followed worldwide.

In addition, we have integrated a complaints procedure to ensure adherence to our compliance standards and the legal requirements both in our own business areas and in the supply chain.

What can be reported?

Indications of possible or impending violations of our Compliance Guide, our internal guidelines and applicable laws and legal regulations, such as
• Harassment or discrimination against certain people/groups
• Violations of occupational health and safety regulations
• Violations of human rights
• Violations of environmental protection regulations
• Bribery & Corruption
may be reported.

Who can submit a report?

Anyone inside and outside our organisation can be a whistleblower. All whistleblowers who have obtained information about a violation in connection with their professional activity or in advance of a professional activity and who report this to a designated reporting office are protected.
Employees and other persons who make reports have no reason to fear reprisals or other adverse consequences in relation to their employment. Every report is treated confidentially and discreetly. Only the assigned case workers have access to the highly sensitive reporting data and are obliged to maintain confidentiality.

Reporting channels

We offer different options for reporting possible violations to our compliance team. All reports are treated confidentially and discreetly. Only the assigned case workers have access to the highly sensitive reporting data.

Electronic whistleblower system

With the electronic whistleblower system “EQS Integrity Line”, we give whistleblowers the opportunity to transmit information about compliance violations in a protected and secure manner and to get in touch with the case worker. Whistleblowers are free to reveal their identity or remain anonymous. The system is web-based and can be accessed via the following link:
Electronic whistleblower system
When submitting a report, you are asked to open a secure mailbox. Immediately after sending the incident, you will receive a case number randomly generated by the system. With the case number and a predetermined password, the whistleblower can easily and securely access the mailbox at any time in order to be available for future inquiries, to provide further information or to view case-related information. If desired, all communication remains anonymous. It is not necessary to provide your email address. If the whistleblower asks for a personal meeting, this can also be arranged via the secure mailbox.

By E-MAIL to

Procedure after submitting a report

We will confirm receipt of the report within seven days of receiving the information. Further communication (e.g. possible queries and feedback) takes place via the originally selected reporting channel. The processing time for each report depends on the scope and complexity of the report and can take a few days or several months, depending on the scope and complexity. If necessary, the case worker will ask questions about the details of the report. Any information can be helpful in order to be able to follow up on the report more quickly and in a targeted manner. After another three months at the latest, the person who provided the information will receive feedback about what measures were subsequently taken. If, after careful examination of the report, it appears that there is not enough evidence to justify the suspicion of a violation or risk, the person providing the report will also be informed of this. If an investigation is initiated, you will be informed about the status of the investigation at appropriate intervals and you will always receive a message about the results of the investigation.


Im Riemen 32
64832 Babenhausen
